
Dive deeper into the features we provide to make you your most focused self

Share STREAKS🔥 with your friends

Every time you finish a focus period, SHARE your amazing progress with your friends to push them to also be productive

Get the App

Identify and remove distractions for good

Create your own customized lists of websites and apps or use our curated "by teenagers, for the world" list of common distractors.


Make the zone just right for you

Once you have selected a blocklist, reach the zen zone by starting a focus period. In a focus period, everything in the selected blocklist will be disabled for a duration of your choosing (we recommend multiple periods of 30 minutes!)


Track your productivity by the numbers

Gain valuable insights into your work habits from your productivity data. You might notice that you scroll Tik Tok a little too much

Next-level efficiency

By enabling you to work distraction free, we can help improve your work efficiency.

Better Mental Health

ZenZone prioritizes the mental health of its users by helping to curb unhealthy screen habits. Our Focus Period's are engineered to take distractions away from our users.

Customized Experiences

Create multiple blocklists to support all of your different work scenarios and needs. Toggle between English and Chinese UI. More languages on the way!

Insightful Statistics

ZenZone records various helpful data points during focus periods. Data points such as which distractors that users tried accessing the most provide insight on screen habits.

Build Community

Mutually sharing progress amongst friends and family builds a community that helps push each other to grow and be accountable.

Intentional Design

Our designs have been kept simple to avoid adding any clutter to your workflow. We've also engineered details down to the color palette to boost calmness of the mind and ability to concentrate.